Zahra tells, “To me means find myself and get help from Allah. If in the morning I wake up and pray, I know all day there is someone look after me and whenever I need help – I have help.
Tyler emerged from a martial arts background in his youth to exploring Buddhism and visiting monasteries in Thailand. He has become an avid reader. Buddhism enables him to live a basic life.
Harneet is a Sikh woman and mother. Prayer has changed for her; from childhood to the workday world, prayer evolved as Harneet grew: Prayer is for all, for the well-being of everyone.
Marita is a Catholic who fills her day with constant remembrance of God, and thankfulness for all that she experiences and has in her life. Prayer is her constant companion.
Kashmitra is Hindu from Malaysia. Kashmitra is a Tamil-speaking Hindu and shares her culture is very strong: prayer is embedded within culture and she has to follow the culture.
Ian has settled from Malaysia. A former Muslim, he found himself lifting his hands and praying spontaneously in the Church, surrounded by many others at prayer.