
Meena is a Malay Hindu who was taught her faith by her mother. As she gets older, she appreciates that God actually helps us.




(I used to not believe in God because I used to blame God if something bad to happened to us. But now, I can understand that God can help us too. )



What does prayer mean to you?
I feel good with it. It feels like somebody is there that I can talk with.

There are special words to talk when we pray so I know those words have meaning. Until now I still don’t know what meaning they are, but I think they are telling all God’s names; (we are) to pray with them. All these names mean the different Gods, and I appreciate that God actually helps us.

Has prayer changed for you over the years?
I used to not believe in God because I used to blame God if something bad to happened to us. But now, I can understand that God can help us too.

Who taught you to pray ?
My mother. I just say words like, God please help my family!

There’s a poem and my mother taught that for me – before I go to sleep I always say this poem – because I get nightmares. So my mum tells me to pray this poem so I can get sleep and not get nightmares.

Tools for prayer
I eat meat. I am non-vegetarian.

We need to be vegetarian to hold prayer beads because it’s respect; because God does not eat meat. There is only one God that eats meats but he thinks about all the Gods so he doesn’t eat meat very much, he eats a bit vegetarian too.


Special message from Meena to all
I want people to stop judging other people’s religions – they won’t like it. If someone else treats them like that (they won’t like it). So I hope it will happen somehow. This ( judging other people’s religions) stop has to stop, I feel.