Gurmeet – Sikhism

Gurmeet is a Sikh; he visits the Sikh temple called Gurduara, twice weekly.

Gurmeet – Sikhism

Gurmeet Singh

(Doesn’t matter whether you believe Sikhism or Hinduism, the connection should be internal. Internal gives you peace and more confidence to live the life. )


Gurmeet is speaking about his life, his fight – that is – his prayer


What does prayer mean to you?
I believe the connection to the God and the connection to the God is the purity – all the lust should go. That’s the value of the Human Being as a religious person.

Prayer keeps you focussed and intact as a human being and sometimes you make mistake and you learn from your mistake very quickly if you are religious person. If you are not a religious person you are not realising quickly. That’s the value of the Prayer.

Who taught you to pray?
Actually I got from mostly my Holy Book – it gives those quick fix answers. Human beings always try to find out new things.

How do you pray?
Just Internally – Just try to talk with God.

I try to connect myself in front of the God; what life I spent up to now and what we have to spend in the future, doesn’t matter if that is one day, one year or maybe 50 years.

Our Gurduara (temple) – have groups. But for one person it is happening all the day, day and night, and sometimes when you sleep – you sleep in the memory of God – sometimes in the lust. But if you believe in the God, try to bring your mind not to the lust but to the purity way. But human beings always try to fight – that’s the human beings – Human beings still have a lot of weaknesses all the time – to overcome from that weakness that’s the fight; and that fight prayer should be happening all the time.

In my way I pray ceremonially in the morning and read my Gurbani – (it is written in my script) – an order from our Elders. (We) – have to read that one every day – instructions to the human being. Sometimes we forget and we do not read. I read this one in the morning – which (is) one is ordered by Lord. Once we start work the prayer is there, always. We prayer sometimes 2 minutes – not long – 2 or 3 minutes. God is not complicated; it is very straight forward, simple and you have to be simple and natural. That’s the way I’m praying but the connection between you and God should be seen from your appearance, from your language, from your living, the example of your life! That’s the main thing to show the people. I’m a religious person not a pretend to be religious person. The speaking – the words – come from somewhere. Without his order, I can’t speak even one word. If I say I’m speaking now, I’m not speaking; speaking comes from somewhere. He gives me some words.

Whatever aspect of life, God is there and will try to help you out. It doesn’t matter sometimes you not believe in the God, still happens God (helps you out). That’s his greatness. How we think, how we live and how we go – that’s the life.


Kirtan at the Sikh Temple
Musicians at the Sikh Temple

Has prayer changed for you over the years?
Same thing as 30 years ago, I know about the God because my father told me God is not a human being, God is a spirit and that spirit is always there and they’re watching you – the connection is always improving.

Once you get close to the death we should go to God; to his presence. Because the soul of ourself is part of that bigger soul, we have to merge with that soul. We are going to leave the body here and bodies have no means when the death happens. I believe there is going to be life after death too – to keep the puzzle full, or solve the puzzle – if there is no life then what’s the point?

The Holy Book (Guru Granth Sahib) gives us the nature of the God – that’s knowledge.

Nothing happening is unnatural in the world.

The Power of the God, you can’t imagine! Anything can happen in his command and whatever is going to happen you have to accept that one – that could be bad, that could be good.

You come on this beautiful Earth, we call the golden globe.

We have to respect each other, that’s the main thing – that’s the way you have to live the life – the gap between the human being should not be there so my connection with the God is try to see equal – all my lust, greed, sexuality; I try to remove when I pray to the God. That’s the fight between me and myself – that fight I think that is prayer. Me and myself’s fight is the prayer.


Guru Granth Sahib
The Guru Granth Sahib at the Sikh Temple