Elizabeth and Ken

Elizabeth and Ken Boyer are home bound and were raised with a habit of prayer by their parents. They were ardent in their prayer and devotion. Ken Boyer has since passed over. Elizabeth passed over on 20 September 2022, a year after Ken passed.

Elizabeth Boyer

Holding rosary beads
(Prayer means just about everything to me. I believe in God. )



Who taught you to pray ?
I went to school with the nuns and my mother was a Catholic

How do you pray
We say the rosary every day after dinner
Morning prayers always

Why do you pray
I pray for my family, I pray to God, I pray for forgiveness, I pray for a good day sometimes, everything is in my prayer.

Has prayer changed for you over the years?
It’s not as often now, unfortunately

Tools for prayer
Well the Bible is the whole works actually
When you go to church there are the bulletins or things like that


Holding rosary beads
I learned to pray with the Rosary from the Nuns and my family


Ken Boyer



What does prayer mean to you?
Prayer means to me a peaceful way of talking to God and I hope he’s listening!

Who taught you to pray?
I only went to state school. I never got any Catholic education at secondary school so I was only taught by my parents

We always said the rosary, we always said our morning prayers, evening prayers and we were taught that anything you do through the day you do it with a purpose of thanking God, It’s a prayer. Even if you are washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, feeding the pigs, whatever you are doing, if you do it with the right thoughts in your mind, it’s a prayer

What do you pray?

It may be the Our Father, the Hail Mary, it’s a prayer, always. It means trying to get closer to God. Hope to get to Heaven one day. I pray for my children that they be firm in the faith. That’s number 1. I also pray for the health of my family. And when I see on the TV that children are having terrible problems, I pray for them too. And I thank God that my children are now adults, and do not have problems.